佩因大学 Saved My Life



College was not an option for me, coming out of Mt. Hebron High school as a young man with a 1.25 年级 point average who only knew how to shoot and dribble a basketball.  我的养父答应我,他会让我有机会和他一起度过我高中的最后一年. I was currently in a situation where life in my mother's house was not the best. I had failed the 10th 年级. I was suspended and dismissed from school more than 20 times, 这让我成为了霍华德县平均绩点最低的学生, MD.  As I prayed for guidance and wisdom from a God that I believed in but did not know at the time, a pastor by the name of Luther B. 费尔德打电话给我的养父,问他是否知道联合卫理公会的学生有兴趣上大学. 鼓励, yet realistic about the young man that he had living in his home, 他回答说, “是的, I have a young man, 然而, he doesn't have good 年级s.“菲尔德牧师对我监护人的回应改变了我的生活,从此改变了, "Bring him anyway."


My guardian drove me to 佩因大学, with the dream and hope that I would find a way to make this opportunity work for me.  Had I not seized the opportunity, 我就会发现自己注定会站在街角,在那里我看到我的许多朋友被逮捕和枪杀. 我不希望这样,所以十大赌博平台排行榜是我人生有所成就的唯一希望. I will never forget the day I walked into Reverend Felder's office, threw my hands in the air, 并说, “牧师, anything you ask me to do I will do it."  


我现在的现实是,我可能活不到25岁,在西巴尔的摩粗糙的街道上挣扎求生, if I messed up this opportunity.


My first semester at 潘恩 was a depressing one. For the first time in my life, I had taken school serious because I had to and became a scholar; 然而, 现在的教练很严格,因为我在高中的时候还是个孩子,他从来不让我有机会进入篮球队. 因此, I promised myself that as soon as I became eligible to play NCAA basketball, I would create a highlight film, reach out to other schools, and transfer because I knew I had the talent and was good enough to play on a college team. This is exactly what I did. 我投了一个3.第一年平均成绩只有3分被比弗福尔的日内瓦学院录取, PA, where they promised me a prosperous career and a professional career overseas. 然而, 在接下来的秋季学期,当我去日内瓦参加比赛,回到球场上的时候,我感到有些失落. 十大赌博平台排行榜给予我的爱和鼓励,让我在美国成为一个成功的年轻黑人,超越了篮球在我生命中那个阶段所能做的一切. The community and extended family that I had been given through Reverend Felder, Mrs. Jacqueline Connie, President Samuel Sullivan, Professor R. Wayne Woodson, Dr. Elias Etinge, and so many others who had poured into me 并说, "Deonte Moses you can do it. It does not matter where you come from, or how you started, you are more than capable of becoming anything you put your mind to if you work for it."  


These relationships had such a huge impact on me. 正是因为有了十大赌博平台排行榜,那些定义了我的东西,以及我为改变而献身的原因,不再是我的身份. 我退出了日内瓦小组,这让所有人都感到震惊,我回到了十大赌博平台排行榜.  Upon my return to 佩因大学 and because of the level of belief they instilled in me, 我决定要有所作为,鼓励其他人努力工作,做最好的自己. 


在我的精神燃烧与梦想有所作为,我成为一个有影响力的学生在校园. 我从十大赌博平台排行榜(佩因大学)毕业,获得了英语文学学士学位,并取得了几项成就:我成为了Kappa Alpha Psi兄弟会的成员, 合并, a two-term Student Government Association President, a starter and captain of the basketball team, 他是学院历史上第一个在一学年领导运动队和学生会的学生, and a ministerial intern in South Africa, 莫桑比克.  我还创立了一个校园事工,旨在通过我自己的旅程和经历来培养大一和大二学生与上帝的关系,正是这些经历让我走到了人生的这一步. 



目前, 我即将进入杜克大学神学院研究生的第三年,并将进入十大赌博平台排行榜(佩因大学), God could not be more real in all that He has allowed me to accomplish since I've been here. Since I arrived in Durham, NC, I became a lot of firsts: the first intern for student ministry in the history for Duke Chapel; the first African American intern for the University of North Carolina's Wesley Fellowship, and currently going into my second year with them; the first African-American resident and caretaker for University Methodist Church and through my role in ministry I have been called into activism, preached 13 sermons, led 5 protests fighting against racial injustices, founded my own non-profit organization, 并受雇帮助另一个人通过在低收入地区教授福音来建立社区. 我在社交媒体上有46000多名粉丝和支持者,很多人都被我的故事感动和鼓舞了.  It is my desire that I will not be the last, that other students will also follow. Yes, God is real.


佩因大学 Took Me Where I Was

如果十大赌博平台排行榜没有给我机会,帮助我,给我机会,让我的人生有所成就, none of these amazing things would have been possible.  我会在西巴尔的摩的某个地方站在街角,直到有人杀了我或者警察把我抓进监狱,因为我只知道这些.


我当时就说了, I will say it now, and I will preach and share this until the day I die, 佩因大学 saved my life!  


Without 佩因大学, 那么多因为错误和人为的判断而被忽视的学生,就不会有机会在这个世界上有所作为. 我全心全意地爱着十大赌博平台排行榜,我将永远感激并致力于十大赌博平台排行榜的发展. 


我在杜克大学完成学位后的计划是把我的非营利组织搬回巴尔的摩, 通过提供课外活动等资源,在我的社区中发挥了巨大的作用, a youth league initiative, neighborhood days, and teaching gospel. My goal is to run for a position of the Baltimore school of Education, build a positive reputation in government and politics, and run for a political office that will serve the people. Because of God's hand on my life through 佩因大学, 所有这一切都将发生在一个高中毕业时GPA是全校最低、班级最后一名的年轻人身上. 


Attorney Tianna Bias, Class of 2015

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Attorney Tianna Bias, Criminal Defense Lawyer for the Hawk Law Group, 他是十大赌博平台排行榜的毕业生,获得了社会学文学学士学位,主修犯罪学. 她获得学术奖学金进入萨凡纳法学院,并以班级前5%的成绩毕业. While at Savannah Law School, she served as the Student Bar Association President, Executive Editor of Savannah Law Review, and was a member of several organizations including the Black Law Students Association. As a first-year law student, Tianna在模拟法庭比赛中获得第二名,并在全州模拟法庭比赛中获得第三名.

Upon earning the Juris Doctor Degree, 她在2018年至2020年期间担任奥古斯塔司法巡回法院的助理地区检察官,负责起诉重大重罪. She joined the Hawk Law Group in 2020. If you're traveling in Augusta, and see this billboard - HONK to let the CSRA know that you're #PAINEfullyProud of Tianna!

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