

的 吉尔伯特-兰布斯纪念教堂由十大赌博平台排行榜拥有和运营,建于1968年. 的 basic design of the chapel's nave is cruciform; the chapel will accommodate approximately 1200 persons in air-conditioned comfort. 教堂的用途包括婚礼等付费活动, 葬礼,福音音乐会,宗教校园活动, 对此, 集会和庆典. 这座建筑的后部有教室, 隔音练习室, 音乐图书馆, 工作室, 使穿上长袍的房间, 还有一个可容纳200人的礼堂.


这座教堂是以约翰博士的名字命名的. 约翰·韦斯利·吉尔伯特博士. 约翰·韦斯利·吉尔伯特是潘恩的第一个学生, 第一个毕业生, 这系的第一位黑人成员. 他是个古典主义者, 一个圣经学者和一个伟大的人), Bishop Walter Russell Lambuth (Bishop Walter Russell Lambuth was a Physician as well as a theologian, 教会最伟大的传教士之一, 也是这所大学的受托人).

Dr. E. Clayton Calhoun, the eighth President of 佩因大学 (1956-1970). Dr. 1968年1月30日克莱顿在学院的演讲中梦的实质": (describe in detail explanation of the structure of the Chapel). "的 inspired American poet, Langston Hughes, has asked, "What happens to a dream deferred?他给出了一些极具洞察力的答案. 今晚, 在十大赌博平台排行榜, we can give our answers in the perceptions which derive from a very deep gratitude.

我们赞同理想主义,我们今晚在这里所做的, and what we see here about us is not the ultimate fulfillment of our dream, that what happens here this night is a moment in a measureless continuum of impression and event reflected in countless lives. But let us not be so moved in our reasoning about the "stuff that dreams are made on" that we must pass this moment of entering this 吉尔伯特-兰布斯纪念教堂, deferring enjoyment and gratitude until that continuum has run its course. Unless we sense in depth the meaning of this moment- the pas flooding it to fullness, the future bursting to be realized-and perceive it in gratitude that we are privileged to be matched with this moment's challenge and prospect, then the dream will be futilely deferred and the stuff of it will dry up on us "like a raisin in the sun."

为了活下去,一个延迟已久的梦想必须成熟. 你必须给自己理由去维持梦想, however once it may have been a flood of feeling or a stream of light. Mainly, you have to keep giving other people the reasons why the dream has a right to stay alive. 我们今晚聚集在这里正是为了后者. We are they to whom the dream was given, in whom it still remains alive. 我们被这许多见证人的云彩围绕.

Dr. Calhoun gives a detailed description and purpose of each section of the chapel in his address to the college on January 30, 1968.


为什么是古典风格? 为什么要在革命的日子里延续希腊的复兴, 尤其是在希腊和美国, 所代表的时期, 然而理性, 被暴力所伤害, 残忍, 奴隶制和粗俗. 这种经典风格结合了精确科学的对称性, 几何, with the warm grace of the artist who knows instinctively that man is not so clear of vision that he can be completely trusted with straight lines.


爱奥尼亚柱来自东方的小亚细亚. It is adapted here from a time when churches adopted and adapted ancient shrines of many gods and used them to the glory of One. 在这个小教堂里,它得到了进一步的调整. 横贯不是这种设计的特征. 我们用它们把社区团结在一起. 一半多一点的会众坐在中殿里. 没有一个离得很远.


的 transepts, with nave and choir form a cross, with the altar at the crossing. 这样,祭坛就在聚集的会众中间. In symbol it is at the place of the body of Christ instead of at the place of inscription. 作为教会, 是基督的身体, 必须为了使命而放弃生命吗, so this College must always commit its life in fulfillment of its mission and risk its life for those purposes and those principles for which its exists. By this symbol we are reminded not only of what is done for us, but of what is required of us.


想想有多少人可以一起跪在这里. 想想有多少人可以一起跪在这里. Consider further the use of the chancel for concert and for chancel drama about the altar. Large as it is, the altar may remove for concert and the audience gathered closer if desired. 我要说清楚. 的 altar will not be removed for such peculiar sentiments as strange distinctions between the sacred and the secular. 在世俗之前不应该做什么? What should not be done before the altar need not be done at all? 当实际需要时,祭坛可能会被移走. 我们建议这样的场合不要经常发生. 


的 classrooms for music and other forms of art seem to have such natural relation to this Chapel as to need no explanation. Very practically it gives us for instruction use of space necessarily auxiliary to any chapel and makes full use of utilities necessary to such a large structure.


这是吉尔伯特-兰布斯纪念教堂. 这个名字很有意义. 的 names are fitly joined together and fitly memorialized by this gift, 这个校园里有用的建筑. 每个人都是真正的学者. 约翰·韦斯利·吉尔伯特是潘恩的第一个学生, 第一个毕业生, 这系的第一位黑人成员. 他是一个古典主义者,一个圣经学者,一个伟大的人. 沃尔特·拉塞尔·兰布斯是一位医生,也是一位神学家, 教会最伟大的传教士之一. A trustee of this College, his name also is given to Lambuth College in Jackson, Tennessee. Both men were ordained ministers, churchmen, - Gilbert an editor, Lambuth a bishop. 在一起, 与斯坦利对利文斯顿的追求相抗衡, 他们跋涉了一千英里,穿过刚果来建立, 潘恩大学1957届毕业生, Secretary General of the Protestant council of Churches in Congo, 知己, 辅导员, 有时也是两种领导者的严厉老师. Gilbert-Lambuth. 看看你在十大赌博平台排行榜的位置吧. 你会发现两个种族之间有着密切的联系, a real and continuous 奖学金 of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Church. 在这个小教堂里,这些意义完美地结合在一起.


的 Mission of 佩因大学 is to provide a liberal arts education of the highest quality that emphasizes academic excellence, 道德和精神价值, 社会责任, 个人发展. 的 Office of the Campus Pastor is here as a reflection of the church's concern for the whole person. We believe that a student should develop not only academically but socially and spiritually as well. 的 Campus Pastor and the entire college community aid students in making that journey from where they are as freshmen to what they are capable of becoming as a child of god. This is achieved through strong programs of academic excellence, 主管, 护理管理人员, 教师, 工作人员, 以及对基督教传统的欣赏.


的 Pastor's Study is a symbol of the calling of the Christian minister to be the shepherd of a flock of God. Here sermons are prepared to feed the congregation of God's Holy Word. Here the work of the church is planned so that the congregation may grow in grace and bear fruit in service, 奖学金, 教学, 和见证. Here you will always find a friend and 辅导员 in time of need. 他不会对你的罪恶感到惊讶, 他也不会用这些事审判你, but he always invites you to share with him the wisdom and love of God, 罪得赦的知识, 并神在基督耶稣里救恩的恩典, 我们的主.

